The Solemnity of All Saints was celebrated on November 1, 2024 in all parishes of the Catholic Church in Kyrgyzstan. Since November 1, the octave (8 days) of prayers for the deceased faithful began, so – the month of November in the Catholic Church is a special time of prayers for the souls in purgatory.
Every year on November 1, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints in all parishes around the world. On this day, the Church honors all those who have already entered heavenly glory, and to the faithful who wander on earth, points out the road that their older brothers took to holiness. It also reminds us of the truth of our communion with the saints who surround us with care.
November 2 in the Catholic Church is a day of remembrance for all the departed faithful. The Church remembers all those who are in purgatory for their sins. To help them, she offers to God the prayers and indulgences acquired by the living faithful, and above all the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. The commemoration of all deceased faithful was introduced by the Benedictine abbot in Cluny (France), St. Odilon in 998. Very quickly this custom spread throughout the Church. During World War I in 1915, Pope Benedict XV, at the request of the Abbot Primate of the Benedictines, authorized priests throughout the Church to serve three Masses on this day. One is served for their own intentions, the second for all the departed faithful, and the third for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Photo from the Solemnity of All Saints in the parish of St. Michael the Archangel, prayers at the northern cemetery in Bishkek